Friday, April 13, 2012

Some of my writing

 *Turn on the water, turn on the fan. Blasting music as loud as i can. It starts off loud, then slowly dies away. It hurts, but in the end a reward will be mine. Strip down, step on. Shrink faster and faster. Watch the numbers fall lower and lower. Count, check, run. Have a smile on your face, why not be happy? You're skinnier than her. People start to glance, than they start to envy. And all at once, you realize what was happening. You succeeded. You dropped, you fell, you lost.

 *Look down the hall, no one in sight.
Run to the room, lock the door tight.
Take off the robe, drop it to the ground
Step on the scale, watch the numbers go down.
Look in the mirror, the bones are jutting out.
My hair is getting thin, my vision goes black.
But i dont care, it's weight and food i lack.
My body shakes and trembles, but still i do not eat.
My hands and feet are cold, underneath these sheets.
People stare and wonder, i can see that they envy.
My arms and legs get smaller, by the hour i get more skinny.
I starve becasue they say i cant.
I starve becasue i know i can.

 *The scale in my life, it determines my mood.
I want to lose more, so i eat no food.
Counting calories, running till i drop.
Taking diet pills, if i eat, i'll throw up.
I step back on the scale, i've only dropped 2 lbs.
I curl up in a ball, wanting to cry until i drown.

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