of their diets and supplements had a result within a few days.
2.It is also true that you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Water speeds up your metabolism and prevents
the body from dehydrating during weight loss. It also fills the stomach up so that you don’t feel hungry. There
is this product also called CRAVE CONTROLLER this keeps your from snacking and feeling hungry. I
recently developed my own product.. you can try this it works, CLICK HERE.
3.Another important tip, spices and peppers boost the digestive system (click here). There are supplements for
Cayenne and other weight loss peppers and spices at most of my links…..I love to check the internet for my
favorite spots to buy my supplies. To keep from eating try checking out modeling sites to keep yourself
4.Eat smaller meals frequently and preferably fat burning types. Make a cabbage soup and eat it anytime you
feel hungry. Just put some cabbage, a can of stewed tomatoes and some celery in the microwave or pot.
Cook till soft and then add a can of vegetable broth. If you are interested in any diet you mave have heard
about there is a complete online library at www.questia.com which I find helpful for any info
5.Remember to always eat slow, your mind does not register the food for about twenty minutes.
6.Never eat before going to sleep. Try to eat your last meal at least four hours before you go to be. Make sure
you sleep 6 hours a night.
7.Keep busy and keep your mind occupied on something else. Check samples (click here)8.Look at your favorite thinspiration photos on my site and do some push ups and sit ups if you feel hungry.
9. Exercise everyday a little bit. Try walking 20 minutes everyday to speed up your metabolism. Use exercise
videos or try some of the exercises I have listed on the exercise page. Exercising will no doubt speed up any
weight loss.
10. Always drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and take your vitamins and minerals!!!
Eat in front of the mirror. Hell, eat in front of the mirror naked and see how much you want to eat then.
When you get the urge to eat chew sugar free gum. Just make sure you keep track of how much you have. Most kinds have 5 calories a piece.
Freeze your foods. I freeze fruits and yogurts and flavored ice cubes. Frozen yogurts take forever to eat so you feel occupied longer.
When you go to a restaurant order something that’s not too unhealthy. Put half of to the other side of the plate and say your going to eat it tomorrow for lunch. Then eat half of what’s on your plate and “forget” to ask them to bag it for take out for you. Or cut your plate in half and push the other half around the plate to fill it.
Eat breakfast and lunch or just breakfast, never eat dinner cause if you eat dinner you don’t give your body enough time to burn off the calories or you can eat all three small meals but finish the last bit of eating at least four hours before you go to sleep. This way your metabolism will burn it up before you get into bed.
Go shopping and try on clothes that you wish you could fit you and that should keep you focused and on track of your goals.
Pinch all your fat if you want to eat and see how disgusting it is and then you’ll think that if you eat you’ll just add more to it and you don’t want that.
If you can go to your kitchen and take all the bad foods that you know you will binge on please just go and throw them away.
If you sit a lot every hour get up and go crazy start doing knee lifts with your arms up or some jumping jacks and toe touches or jumping stupidly or anything like that it will boost your metabolism for a little.
- spin around and around in circles, it will make you too dizzy and nauseous to eat
- drink water, water, water, before meals, after meals, during meals, when meals won't be happening, all the TIME
- go to a movie with a friend, will keep your mind off of it, keep you away from food, and you can order a diet soda
- Chew sugar-free gum
- pick a food from the
- take a nap
- read a book
- clean your room, apartment, house
- do the dishes
- take a shower/bath
- put on a face mask to clean your pores
- whiten your teeth
- go for a run or work out hard
- do crunches- it burns calories and kills hunger
- focus on enjoying the hunger, it means you're succeeding
- concentrate on how you feel after a binge
- weigh yourself
- look at yourself naked (very effective if mixed with crunches)
- drink something hot like green tea or bullion cubes, it confuses your tummy and makes you think you're full
- go for a walk
- do not take money with you wherever you go so that you can't slip up and buy food
- notice how many girls are thinner than you are
- never eat anything bigger than your fist
- put on some music and dance and sing
- watch a movie with thin people in it or scan the TV channels for thin people
- think of something disgusting, like maggots on roadkill
- drink 2 tablespoons of vinegar before you eat- it will fill you up faster
- the opaque glass trick- this is when you're around people and have to eat, be careful with this one, take a bite, chew it, and spit it into the glass so it looks like you're taking a sip of something-practice this one before doing it in front of anyone
- go into the kitchen a lot and take a lot of time nibbling-people will think you're always eating
- have a peppermint-decreases appetite
- put on tight pants and take off your shirt-look in the mirror
- masturbate-kills time, calories, hunger, and takes your mind off of things
- do a workout video
- put on layers, you're more likely to feel hungry when you're cold
- call a friend or family member, you won't want to eat while you're talking to them on the phone
- try to meditate, it helps you gain inner strength and center, also try visualization (imagine the fat melting off your body)
- visit a friend
- try a hypnosis weight-loss cd
- sleep on your left side, it helps food digest faster
- curling into a ball helps hunger pains go away
- go for a swim
- shave your legs
- excuses: I just ate, headache, stomach ache, tired and want to lay down, busy, or you'll eat something in a little bit (procrastinate)
- read thinspiration
- brush your teeth
- play a video or computer game
- if you go to a restaurant, try something new (but make sure its something you won't like) then when it comes, try it, and pick at it because you don't like it
More of the above tips and tricks
- walk to a store and try on clothes that are too tight or get some magazines with models in them and look at them
- invite some friends bowling
- write about it, get it off your chest, poetry, journalling, whatever
- squeeze your butt cheeks together and look at them in the mirror or feel them
- laxatives- last ditch effort
- go tanning
- pick up an extra shift at work
- smoke a cigarette (or two or three)
- wear a rubberband around your wrist- snap it every time you think about eating something
- pinch your fat
- punch yourself in the stomach
- take your vitamins
- chew some tums (they even have calcium)
- calcium, kelp, diet pills, these all help
- sip on some diet soda
- cut your food into small pieces, eat slowly, push it around on your plate a lot, eat off of a smaller plate
- think of all of the people you want to see you thin, or all the times you'd like to be thinner, make a list
- the busy trick, stay at the computer or in another room, have someone make food for you, put it in a plastic bag and bring it out 15 minutes later, dispose of the bag asap
- Buck up, nobody said this would be easy
- look up pro-ana sites or go to pro-ana chat
- learn to knit or crochet, something to keep your hands busy
- surprise a friend, family member, or significant other with something nice
- find some music that makes you enthusiastic to lose weight or stick with it-make a cd of it and listen to it
- find new reasons or ways to be thin
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