Friday, April 13, 2012

Russian Gymnast Diet
*Glass of orange juice or slice of bread
*Black coffee, optional

*Small fruit salad (made off kiwi fruit, orange, pineapple, and peeled apples) or medium apple

*8 baby carrot sticks or a green apple

Daily Total is around 200-400 calories.
Non-caloric drinks are allowed without limit.
Easily lose 4-11 pounds in one week

Skinny Girl Diet
  1. 400 calories
  2. 300 calories
  3. 400 calories
  4. 500 calories
  5. 450 calories
  6. 650 calories
  7. 650 calories
  8. 400 calories
  9. 300 calories
  10. 400 calories
  11. 500 calories
  12. 450 calories
  13. 650 calories
  14. 700 calories
  15. 400 calories
  16. 300 calories
  17. 400 calories
  18. 450 calories
  19. 500 calories
  20. 650 calories
  21. 700 calories
  22. 400 calories
  23. 300 calories
  24. 450 calories
  25. 500 calories
  26. 450 calories
  27. 650 calories
  28. 700 calories
  29. 400 calories
  30. FAST!
Bold is weekends

Cabbage Soup Diet
This diet involves eating as much cabbage soup as you possibly can in seven days.
Day 1:
  • Eat only fruit, as much fruit as you want, except bananas
  • Drink unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice, and water
  • Eat as much soup as you like
Day 2:
  • All you want- fresh, raw, or cookies vegetables of your choice
  • Stay away from beans, peas, and sweet corn
  • Reward yourself with a big baked potato with butter for dinner
  • Eat as much soap as you’d like, but no fruit today
Day 3:
  • Combine Day 1 and 2, eat as much fruit, vegetables and soup as you’d like but no potato
Day 4:
  • Eat as many as 8 bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup
  • This day is supposed to lessen your desire for sweets
Day 5:
  • You may have up to 10 ounces of beef and up to 6 fresh tomotoes
  • Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water this day to wash the uric acid from your body
  • Eat your soup at least once today
  • You may eat broiled or baked chicken or fish instead of beef
Day 6:
  • Eat beef and vegetables today
  • You can have 2 steaks with lots of fresh vegetables or salads
  • Eat your soup at least once today
Day 7:
  • Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables all you want
  • No bread, alcohol, or carbonated beverages. Not even diet soda
The 2468 Diet:This is a fairly simple one to start with. Its basically 200 calories the first day, 400 the next, 600 the day after, 800 the next, then back to 200... And then it starts again, 200, 400, 600, 800, and it works in that cycle.
Some people like to put a fast after the 800 day. Apparently it "tricks" the motablisim, but I don't know how true that is.
And few examples then:
Day One: 200 calories
Day Two: 400 calories
Day Three: 600 calories
Day Four: 800 calories
Day Five: 200 calories
Day Six: 400 calories
Day Seven: 600 calories
Day Eight: 800 calories
Day Nine: 200 calories...
Another example (with a fast in it)
Day One: 200 calories
Day Two: 400 calories
Day Three: 600 calories
Day Four: 800 calories
Day Five: fast
Day Six: 200 calories
Day Seven: 400 calories
Day Eight: 600 calories
Day Nine: 800 calories
Day Ten: Fast...

The ABC Diet:You can swap a few of the days around if you need to.
Day 1: 500 calories (or less)
Day 2: 500 calories (or less)
Day 3: 300 calories
Day 4: 400 calories
Day 5: 100 calories
Day 8: 400 calories
Day 6: 200 calories
Day 7: 300 calories
Day 9: 500 calories
Day 10: Fast
Day 11: 150 calories
Day 12: 200 calories
Day 13: 400 calories
Day 14: 350 calories
Day 15: 250 calories
Day 16: 200 calories
Day 17: Fast
Day 18: 200 calories
Day 19: 100 calories
Day 20: Fast
Day 21: 300 calories
Day 22: 250 calories
Day 23: 200 calories
Day 24: 150 calories
Day 25: 100 calories
Day 26: 50 calories
Day 27: 100 calories
Day 28: 200 calories
Day 29: 200 calories
Day 30: 300 calories
Day 31: 800 calories
Day 32: Fast
Day 33: 250 calories
Day 34: 350 calories
Day 35: 450 calories
Day 36: Fast
Day 37: 500 calories
Day 38: 450 calories
Day 39: 400 calories
Day 40: 350 calories
Day 41: 300 calories
Day 42: 250 calories
Day 43: 200 calories
Day 44: 200 calories
Day 45: 250 calories
Day 46: 200 calories
Day 47: 300 calories
Day 48: 200 calories
Day 49: 150 calories
Day 50: Fast

The HollyWood Diet:It's a 24/48 hour diet and it is not recommended that it is done any longer than 48 hours. It's fairly simple to follow.
Juice of 4 oranges
Juice of 2 lemons
2 Tbls. honey
1 banana, peeled and sliced
1 apple peeled and sliced
1 cup of grape juice (can be store bought)

Combine the ingredients and blend or stir thoroughly. This will make enough concentrate to last you one day. Add 1 litre or 2 pints of distilled or spring water, and sip the juice throughout the day. Nothing else but this mix can be consummed apart from water.

The Master Cleanse/Maple Syrup Diet/Lemonade Diet
fresh lemon juice
Maple Syrup
Cayenne Pepper
Ok, 8oz water in a glass. The water is to purified or spring water, NOT TAP, and at room temperature. 2 tablespoons of fresh (organic if you can) lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of grade B or C maple syrup (the grade A stuff is too refined and is just all sugar. Also, none of this maple flavored syrup!), a small pinch of cayenne pepper. Shake them all up (a cocktail shaker is good for this), pour into a glass and drink throughout the day.
Drink the lemonade mix every 1 to 2 hours. Take no other food, but do be sure to drink plenty of purified water in addition to the lemonade drink. Drink as much of this lemonade as you want, but make sure that you drink at least twelve 1/4 liter (8 oz) glasses. The lemonade contains all the vitamins and minerals you need. This can be combined with supplements for colon cleansing such as
Bentonite or Psyllium Seeds. You don't have to start your fast on the morning of the first day. You can begin later in the day, even if you've already eaten. Once you begin, however, eat nothing more while you're on the fast.
No food. Just this mix.

The Milk Diet
Apparently you can lose up to 15lbs on this diet over 8 days. It's not suitable for vegetarians or vegans (sorry guys!)
Day 1: 6 cups of milk
Day 2: 4 cups of milk and 2 pieces of fruit
Day 3: 2 cups of milk and 2 fruits and cheese
Day 4: 4 cups of milk, 1 piece of fruit and 1 piece of meat
Day 5: 2 cups of milk, 2 pieces of fruit, 1 piece of meat and 1 egg
Day 6: 2cups of milk,1 fruit, 1 piece of meat,1 egg and some cheese
Day 7: 3 cups of milk, 3 fruit
Day 8: 2 cups of milk, 1 fruit, piece of, meat, cheese
There are no portion sizes, so I would go on just common sense. A piece of meat isn't going to be a 12oz steak... :-) Just use common sense, don't go crazy! Use skimmed or low fat milk!
Good luck!

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